Fat Elimination
Fat Dissolve Contour
(Chris exclusive) Artistic treatment designed to eliminate fat cells from strategic areas of the face to provide lift, contour, and slimming of the face with little to no downtime. This is also an adjunct therapy prior to threadlifts and fillers to decrease the weight of an area affected by aging. Common areas like the jowl, under eye, and buccal area are prime examples of this revolutionary procedure. (No Downtime)
Examples: Bulging (herniated fat pads) of the under eye, jowl fat, buccal fat, herniated fat pad below the brow and all other facial fat, vagina.
Fat Dissolve
Permanent fat destroying treatment using fat digestive enzymes to eliminate fat pockets below the chin, jaw, and body. Because of the destructive nature of the enzyme 4-6 days of intense swelling, inflammation, and edema is expected, with mild soreness. Symptoms are less extensive with body treatments as those close to the face, with women having longer symptoms than men. (Downtime)
Examples: All fat below the jaw to include the body that is less than a fist in size. Like; fat under the chin, belly button, side to the thighs, pubis mons, fat below the gluteal crease and more
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Self love begins with self care and INA provides a beauty sanctuary of services led by industry experts using top of the line products at highest of standards to enhance and enrich your every day.
Ina is built on the belief that we can go into darkness of any kind returning not only unscathed but with a clearer view of self through an initiative of self love and procurement of inner strength.